The Judiciary of England and Wales use Microsoft 365 for email using the domain. This domain is connected to the Internet and accepts email via MX This is public information.

The rule of law is a fundamental constitutional principle which underpins an open, fair and peaceful society, where citizens and businesses can prosper. Our judges and magistrates are its cornerstone.
Lady Chief Justice on the public page
I sent an email lawfully requesting information about his “occupation” to His Honour Judge Melbourne Inman KC copying the The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales (LCJ) on the 21st October 2024.
Subject: HHJ Melbourne Inman KC – Media Enquiry
Importance: HighDear Judge
cc The Right Honourable The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales
I asked the Judiciary Press Office for comment (as below) on Friday 18th October 2024 but they have not replied.
Could you please answer the following questions :-
- Are you a Circuit Judge or High Court Judge ?
- Are you authorised to sit as a High Court Judge ?
- Should your occupation at Companies House be shown as High Court Judge ?
An article was published at noon on the 18th October 2024 It has received a considerable amount of worldwide attention.
The Lady Chief Justice states as a co-signatory of the document Judicial Discipline – Misconduct and recommending sanctions (
“As Lord Chancellor and Lady Chief Justice, we are jointly responsible for judicial discipline………The public has a right to expect that on the rare occasions when judicial office holders do not meet the high standards of conduct expected of them, action will be taken.”
I do not believe that the JCIO will accept a complaint concerning “misrepresentation” hence the cc to The Right Honourable The Lady Chief Justice to deal with and action.
Email to HHJ Inman and The Lady Chief Justice
An autoreply was received from the LCJ’s former High Court email address.
From: Archived Mail Address – Carr LJ <>
Subject: Automatic reply: HHJ Melbourne Inman KC – Media EnquiryDame Sue Carr has now been appointed as the Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, please direct any queries to
So yes you can email a judge…however
Sending threatening or malicious messages using a public electronic communication, such as via email, may amount to an offence. Do not do it.
The relevant legislation of England and Wales includes :-
Malicious Communications Act 1988 Section 1
Communications Act 2003 Section 127
Part 10 of the Online Safety Act 2023
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Computer Misuse Act 1990
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) publish legal guidance on Communications Offences.
Judicial Email Format
Judges are by their very nature public figures. Open justice is a fundamental principle at the very heart of the justice system and vital to the rule of law.
‘It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done’
R v Sussex Justices – Lord Hewart
Judicial email addresses, including High Court Judges, are widely published on the internet and easily found by a simple Google search. This article only contains publicly and readily available information.
The format for most judicial email addresses are as follows :-
- – Deputy District Judge
- – District Judge
- – Recorder
- – Recorder with KC
- – Circuit Judge
- – Circuit Judge with KC
- – Upper Tribunal Judge
- – President of the Family Division
- – High Court Master
- – High Court Judge
- – High Court Judge
- – High Court Judge
- – President King’s Bench Division
- – President Family Division
Sent an Email to the Wrong Person ?
“Publicity is the very soul of justice. . . . It keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial….Where there is no publicity there is no justice”
Jeremy Bentham – Mr Justice Cobb: ‘Justice must be seen to be done’
Check out our articles on Dodgy Judges, Can you Criticise a Judge, Do you Have to Bow to a Judge ?, His Honour Now His Dishonour, His Honour Melbourne Inman KC, His Honour Judge Jeremy Richardson KC, His Honour Judge Michael Slater, His Honour Judge Martin Davis, HHJ Farquhar, HHJ Bedford, DDJ Nicholes and the highly dubious Sussex Family Justice Board.

The Ministry of Injustice is not the Ministry of Justice nor is it affiliated in any way with the justice system, legal profession or any law enforcement agencies.
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William Ewart Gladstone
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Can you Email a Judge ? was last updated on the 17th February 2025