Judiciary Legal Professionals

DDJ Catherine Nicholes

Catherine Nicholes is a barrister of England and Wales. Ms Nicholes is also a Deputy District Judge. She is known as DDJ Nicholes, Deputy District Judge Nicholes, DDJ Catherine Nicholes or DDJ Cathy Nicholes and should be addressed as “judge or madam” in court.

As a Deputy District Judge, Catherine Nicholes is paid £623.74 a day according to the Judicial Fees 2024 to 2025.

Catherine Nicholes was called by Inner Temple as a Barrister in May 1977.

Ms Catherine Margaret Elizabeth Nicholes is listed on the register of the Bar Standards Board.

I would think twice about employing Catherine Nicholes as a barrister. If you are unfortunate enough to be allocated DDJ Nicholes in court, then I would suggest you ask her to recuse herself.

“You are clearly not disabled” and “if you were disabled the court would have known about it.

It is widely accepted that not all disabilities are visible. Depression and mental health issues can be considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010.

Deputy District Judge Nicholes is, in my humble opinion, dangerous, discriminatory, outdated and offensive.

This old dinosaur should be put out to pasture.

Dom Watts – Ministry of Injustice

According to Companies House, Catherine Margaret Elizabeth NICHOLES was born in 1954 and has 2 current appointments and 2 appointments that she has resigned from.

Catherine Nicholes is listed at the Coram Chambers London

9-11 Fulwood Place
London WC1V 6HG
United Kingdom
+44 20 7092 3700

Emergency Contact
+44 (0) 7411 970 188

Catherine originally practised in crime, general civil and family law. She was delighted to join a chambers which pioneered and specialised in care proceedings long before that area became popular at the Bar. Her practice in care proceedings was originally very much in representing the parents, wider family, or the child both with and without a guardian. She continues to specialise in such work and has particular expertise in representing clients who have personality difficulties, mental health issues or are accused of very serious abuse.

Catherine Nicholes – Coram Chambers

DDJ Nicholes email address is

Ms Nicholes, I am told, is not keen on the public having her judicial email address, but its publication is not illegal. Many judges including High Court Judges freely publish their email address on the Internet. For example :-

Was DDJ Catherine Nicholes complicit with Sussex Police, Royal Sussex County Hospital and the West Sussex Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in a cover up and attempt to hide the truth from the public ?

This page is not sponsored by Catherine Nicholes, a barrister at Coram Chambers, nor is it an endorsement of Catherine Nicholes. It contains personal opinions protected by common law and Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 along with publicly available information.

Fair dealing for criticism, review or quotation is allowed for any type of copyright work. All sources acknowledged.

“Publicity is the very soul of justice. . . . It keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial….Where there is no publicity there is no justice”

Jeremy BenthamMr Justice Cobb: ‘Justice must be seen to be done’

Check out our articles on Dodgy JudgesMr Justice Williams, His Honour Judge Melbourne Inman KC, His Honour Andrew Menary KC, His Honour Judge Jeremy Richardson KC, His Honour Now His Dishonour, His Honour Judge Michael Slater, His Honour Judge Martin Davis, HHJ Farquhar, HHJ Bedford, Can you Email a Judge ?, Can you Criticise a Judge ?, Do you Have to Bow to a Judge ?, Royal Sussex County Hospital and the highly dubious Sussex Family Justice Board.

The Ministry of Injustice is not the Ministry of Justice nor is it affiliated in any way with the justice system, legal profession or any law enforcement agencies.

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You should always seek formal legal advice from a qualified and reputable lawyer (solicitor or barrister).

‘Justice delayed is justice denied’

 William Ewart Gladstone

There are a number of links to Free and Paid For Legal Resources and Legal Organisations on the Free Legal Advice , Legal Aid and Pro Bono pages.

DDJ Catherine Nicholes was last updated on the 17th February 2025

By Dom Watts

Dom Watts founded the Ministry of Injustice in July 2021. Dom is an IT Professional with 30+ years experience in Tier 1 Banking, Government, Defence, Healthcare and Global Blue Chips. Dom has no legal training and is not a lawyer but has previously consulted for a Magic Circle Law Firm. You can find Dom on X or Google.

Dom Watts publishes the Ministry of Injustice as a citizen journalist. The journalism exemption is detailed in the Data protection and journalism code of practice published by the ICO and Section 124 of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Section 2 of the Defamation Act 2013 sets out the defence of truth. Section 3 of the Defamation Act 2013 sets out the defence of honest opinion. Section 4 of the Defamation Act 2013 sets out the defence of public interest. Section 8 of the Defamation Act 2013 sets out the single publication rule.

Section 4a of The Limitation Act 1980 defines the time limit for actions for defamation or malicious falsehood as one year from the date on which the cause of action accrued.

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 gives the right to freedom of expression.

"Free speech encompasses the right to offend, and indeed to abuse another." Para 43 Scottow v CPS [2020] EWHC 3421 (Admin)

R v O’Neill [2016] EWCA Crim 92, [2016]

In 2002 Dom Watts was an unlikely consumer champion. The dad of three from Croydon took on the power and might of Kodak – and won………

Dom on BBC Working Lunch

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